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It’s hard for many of us to remember a time when the Kardashians weren’t part of the pop culture landscape. When their show Keeping Up With the Kardashians premiered on E! back in 2007, members of the Kardashian-Jenner family became “famous for being famous,” and since then they have built their individual brands into multi-million dollar empires.

The three oldest sisters in the family – Kim, Kourtney, and Khloe – are queens of social media with over 300 million followers across the Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram platforms, and are trendsetters in fashion, makeup, fitness, and beauty products.

Fans and the media always take notice when it comes to what labels the sisters wear, the products they use, and the style they choose. So, whenever they post photos, many are quick to go out and buy the products they are endorsing, and it makes the family millions.

When it comes to health and fitness – and the appearances of each of the women’s bodies – it’s hard not to envy the reality stars and want to achieve the look that they are showing off. None of the sisters are shy about sharing which health products they use, where and when they workout, and which trainers have helped them achieve their success.

In these 20 pics, Kim, Kourtney, and Khloe showed off just how healthy they are, and give fans the idea that if they follow one of their exercise plans, they could tone and sculpt their way to looking just like a Kardashian.

20. Best Shape Of Her Life

Kim Kardashian recently went on a trip to the Caribbean, and she, of course, shared multiple photos on her social media. However, there was one pic of Kim in a bikini that captured fans attention because in the caption she gave a shout out to her trainer that helped her get into the best shape of her life. But, she made sure to let everyone know it wasn’t easy.

“Shout out to my trainer @fitgurlmel who really changed my body. When I wasn’t happy with what I saw back in the mirror I spent a whole year training so hard 5 or 6 days a week putting in a lot of work and changed the way that I eat and there’s such a noticeable difference. I am firm and less cellulite and so much more confident. SO THANK YOU for waking up at 5am to do crazy bodybuilding workouts & sprints that I hate & putting me on to this lifestyle.” The trainer responsible for Kim’s body is Melissa Alcantara, who slowly changed her own body and lifestyle after her own pregnancy.

19. A Love Note

Kourtney is only five feet tall, but the mother of three cares for her petite body and makes her physical fitness and health a top priority. The oldest of the Kardashian sisters is no stranger to tough workouts and a strict diet.

Kourtney follows an organic diet and completely avoids sugar, especially refined sugar, for a variety of reasons. On her website, she wrote that sugar is addictive, and she notices that after she eats it, she needs it. But, sugar doesn’t sustain you when you need energy for things like working out, and it causes more cellulite to appear.

The 38-year-old doesn’t drink soda, makes her own salad dressing, and is careful about the alcohol she drinks – sticking with tequila on the rocks, beer, or wine.

She encourages her fans to practice self-care and recently posted a love note to her body that included a thank you for recovering after she pushed it to the limit.

18. First Time Mom

Now that Khloe has given birth to her first child, a daughter she named True, all three of the oldest Kardashian girls are moms, and they know that pregnancy health is important. Back in 2015 Khloe adopted a healthy lifestyle and she did it with a combination of working out five times a week and a diet that requires her to eat seven times a day.

Her nutritionist, Dr. Philip Goglia says that a trim body is made 80 percent in the kitchen and 20 percent in the gym, and when Khloe is working out, she likes to mix things up.

Khloe does a combination of spinning, hot yoga, and circuit training, and aims to take 10,000 steps each day via walking. Her trainer, Gunnar Peterson, also says Khloe works in various exercises like weighted squat jumps, bear crawls, and twisted lunges.

17. Inspiring Mindset

Alcantara says that Kim’s workout consists of squats, deadlifts, lunges, plyometrics, and high-intensity interval training (HIIT). She is in amazing shape, and her trainer says that is because of her mindset.

“Everything that Kim has in terms of her fitness level or her business, she has worked really hard for and has earned every bit of it through her efforts. Kim is my woman spirit — I fuel her fire and she fuels mine.”

Bodybuilding is the base, and the core is in charge of connecting, balancing, and powering the upper and lower body. Alcantara makes sure that Kim uses breath to control the power of the core, and if you want to see changes, you have to work out at least four days per week.

16. No Processed Foods

Kourtney Kardashian tries to completely avoid processed foods, and instead focuses on organic fruits and vegetables, and also healthy proteins like eggs, salmon, and chicken.

She admits that she used to cheat when she traveled, but now says that she is a little more lenient overall than she was when she started the lifestyle. During her day-to-day routine, she eats healthy every day and works out five to six times a week.

“That wasn’t making sense for me anymore,” the reality star wrote on her app. “I don’t want to throw my body off by eating whatever I want when I travel and then be really strict other times.”

She has also changed from being completely gluten and dairy free to keeping small amounts of gluten and dairy in her body consistently.

15. Consistently Eating Healthy Is Very Important

Khloe is so dedicated to her diet that she doesn’t allow herself a full cheat day. Instead, each week she lets herself have a cheat meal, and that could be a slice of pizza, a pasta dinner, or maybe a piece of cake for dessert. It all depends on her cravings.

If she does drink alcohol, she limits herself to one or two glasses, and never eats carbs after 3 in the afternoon.

In a typical day, she will eat a protein shake for breakfast, a 4-ounce chicken breast with veggies and a salad for lunch, and fish with veggies and a salad for dinner. She also snacks on celery and fruit throughout the day. She also makes sure to drink at least five liters of water.

14. Early Riser

Kim says she usually is up at 6 a.m. every morning, and after checking her messages, she asks her husband, Kanye West, if he wants to go for a run. He usually does, unless he already has a workout planned.

She either runs on the horse trails in her gated community or opts for the treadmill in their home gym. Kim says her workouts last about an hour, and she likes to mix them up. After she runs, she will work on her abs or her legs.

Kim says she does listen to music while she works out, but it’s not the kind that pumps you up. Instead, she prefers slow R&B jams or classical music. For her, dance music and house music slows her down.

15. Everything In Moderation

Kourtney doesn’t like to use the word “cheat” because of its negative connotations, but she does occasionally treat herself with a slice of pizza or some ice cream. She says that moderation is key.

Recently on Instagram, she shared a picture of herself having a one-woman pizza party while wearing a see-through top and black tights. Kourtney’s wardrobe has recently evolved since she feels empowered to show off her hard work at the gym.

She has been wearing ab-baring crop tops and butt-baring bikinis, so fans get a glimpse of her toned stomach. Kourtney also recently went out in a black bra top and a Fendi skirt in a look that seemed to come straight out of Kim’s closet.

14. Revenge Body

Khloe says that is sometimes hard for her to post transformation pics on her social media because she can’t imagine herself every being that unhealthy again. She says that she never would have called herself fat, but she did consider herself to be unhealthy mentally and physically and didn’t know her true value.

She says that once she started putting herself first, everything began to fall into place, and her life transformed when she decided to stop existing and start living. She says she needed to heal herself from the inside out and her transformation started from within.

Khloe says that she knew she had to do it on her terms or it wouldn’t last, and she encouraged her fans to take back control of their own lives. She said not to let anyone else decide for you, and you can become a victim or prisoner to the people you choose to surround yourself with.

11. Stay-At-Home Mom

Kim used to workout at the gym a lot more often, but now she chooses to exercise at home because she wants to be there when her 4-year-old daughter North wakes up. She says that is her favorite time of day with her and she doesn’t want to miss it.

She then gets a quick breakfast that usually consists of scrambled eggs, oatmeal, or a protein shake with fruit. But, her husband has a chef that does come in to cook for them, and they plan out their meals together for the day. Kim also started seeing a nutritionist who changes up their diet every ten days.

For lunch, she opts for something healthy – usually fish or chicken with vegetables – and then at dinner, she does the same thing. Kim says she usually avoids cocktails and desserts, but Haagen-Dazs is her biggest indulgence.

10. Her Tummy Game

To get that flat stomach, Kourtney swears by her Flat Tummy Tea, which is a green tea that she says keeps her stomach flat and reduces cellulite.

"Whenever I am trying to step up my workout regimen, I drink an extra iced green tea,” says the reality star.

Research has shown that green tea does help with a flat stomach, but there hasn’t been much research on its effects on cellulite. Kourtney also stopped drinking coffee in her early 20s because she claims it made her hyper and on edge.

Instead, green tea gives her all the caffeine she needs, but it delivers it slower than coffee or espresso, so it lasts longer. It is also filled with antioxidants and can help boost your metabolism.

9. Putting Herself First

When it comes to your health, Khloe Kardashian says you should never be afraid to put yourself first and to never choose comfort over your own well-being. She says she is proud of herself for being stronger than she has ever been in her mind, body, and soul.

She is even prouder of the fact that she has been able to maintain a healthy lifestyle for several years, and she broke a negative cycle that has allowed her to be happier than she has ever been. She says that if you start from within nothing can stop you.

Living like Khloe isn’t easy. Her trainer says that her work ethic is second to none, and in her world, there is no such thing as quit.

8. A Lifestyle Change

Kim’s trainer says that the reality star originally contacted her because she was looking for a real change – a lifestyle change – and knew that being fit wasn’t something that was quick and easy. Permanent changes that last a lifetime mean that fitness and nutrition must become a way of life.

Falling off the fitness wagon can happen to the best of us, but if you don’t focus on the negative, you can get back on track. Alcantara says to choose a plan and commit to it. She says anyone can do what Kim does if you are dedicated, doing it for yourself, and want to be the best human that you can be.

She says no one cares about you as much as you do, so act like it.

7. Booty Attention

During her workouts, Kourtney pays extra attention to her glutes, and her go-to butt-toning moves include leg kickbacks with resistance bands and weighted squat cleans using a kettlebell. She also loves to workout with her sister, Khloe.

“If you follow me on Snapchat, then you probably already know that Kourtney is my main b— when it comes to exercise partners,” Khloé has said. “She’ll try everything and do her best without complaining.”

Kourtney also drinks apple cider vinegar twice each day by mixing two tablespoons with water. She also drinks ghee, a clarified butter, to keep trim, and she has done that for years because her grandmother made it for her when she didn’t even know what it was.

6. Workout Breakdown

Peterson says that when it comes to Khloe, “The drive, the determination, and the execution are something I wish I could bottle and pass out to people as they walked in the gym.”

Her workout is no joke and includes the following moves that she also supplements with cardio: 25 jumping jacks, 8-12 deadlifts, 26 split jacks, 15-20 bent-over raises, 30-60 seconds of jogging in place, 8-12 step lateral walk in each direction, 8-10 close-grip push-ups, 8-10 regular grip push-ups, 8 Bulgarian split squats, 10 supermans and 10-15 bicep curls.

It might look like a lot, but the set goes by pretty quickly, and Peterson says it is all about the amount of time you have on your hands. You can also do this routine from home as many times as you want.

5. Seeing Results

Kim’s rear end is an icon, but it takes her a lot of hard work to get that backside. But, there are seven moves you can do in any gym to help you work towards Kim’s look, and even though they are difficult, the mom of three says she loves seeing the results.

The booty-blasting fitness routine stars with kickbacks and Kim does 5 sets of 30 on each side and alternates legs. She then moves on to back squats, which is a basic squat while you hold a weighted bar on the back of the shoulders.

Sumo deadlifts are up next, followed by a closed-leg press on a leg machine. She then finishes up with weighted hip thrusts, three sets of 20 reps on a hip abductor machine, and standing calf raises.

4. Avocado Obsession

Kourtney is obsessed with avocados and eats a pudding daily made out of one whole avocado, non-dairy milk, and Manuka honey. She also enjoys turkey chili when she needs a dinner that is more filling and makes it by the batch on Sundays.

She also has an extremely strict detox diet that she followed for three months last year when she tried to reduce the amount of mercury and lead in her system. Her breakfast was an avocado smoothie, and for lunch and dinner, she ate fish or chicken with veggies. After dinner, she didn’t eat anything for 14 to 16 hours, and only drank water and snacked on almonds throughout the day.

On top of that, for one day each week, she had a fast day where she didn’t eat anything for twenty-four hours, and only drank water and sipped bone broth.

3. Serious Arms

Khloe knows how to get creative with her workouts. And, when it comes to her arms, her favorite new thing is resistance bands. She also combines moves that use Bosu balls and kettlebells and wears workout-enhancing clothes.

With the resistance bands, she does get an intense burn with a series of solo and partner moves that she performs with her sister Kourtney. She does each move in thirty-second intervals that all add up to five minutes total.

The moves include bicep curls and triceps extensions, but the sisters also have moves that use each other for resistance. At one point, they attach their bands and each sister holds their own with one hand while jumping and twisting. The moves are a legitimate challenge, and you shouldn’t look over them in favor of weights.

2. Strict Morning Routine

Kourtney works out at least five times a week and starts each day with a strict morning routine.

"Most days she'll warm up with a quick run or a jump rope session before leaping into strength training," E! News reports. "Some days that means using a Stairmaster or Pilates reformer, but she also has a series of go-to exercises that involve less intense equipment.”

While on vacation, she integrates beach walks and moves that don’t require equipment like lunges, triceps dips, squats, and pushups.

Kourtney says that she takes time for herself and works out every day – even with three kids – but she used to not make that a priority. But, now that she does, she feels much better mentally and physically.

1. Work Out After Pregnancy

Even though Khloe has worked hard to get herself healthy and in shape, there are also other things in her life that are making headlines – specifically the rumours surrounding her baby daddy Tristan Thompson. Unfortunately, this has put a cloud over the birth of her first baby, but sources say she is still undecided about staying with the NBA star. However, she does want to make sure that her daughter, True, has a good relationship with her father.

Thompson is reportedly bonding with the baby, and when Khloe left the hospital in Cleveland, she stayed at his house while waiting for doctors to give her the OK to fly home to Los Angeles. We're sure though once Kourtney is back home she will be eager to resume her exercise routine once again.

References: harpersbazaar.com, yahoo.com, people.com, womenshealthmag.com, thesun.co.uk
