It's not often that a pastor has people speculating about his marriage. But in the case of Joel Osteen, his supersized platform for interacting with his followers and his congregation means he's under the microscope for just about everything.

In fact, some fans think that one specific quote from Joel about divorce is what initially sparked rumors that his marriage was in trouble. The thing is, Joel often speaks on many topics, divorce included, and seems to have a bit less traditional view on some things than other church leaders.

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Knowing that he's not talking about his personal relationship or marriage, fans might wonder what Joel's thoughts are on divorce, from the perspective of a pastor rather than someone sitting in divorce court.

Is Divorce Allowed In Joel Osteen's Religion?

Most fans of Joel Osteen know that his religion is technically non-denominational Christianity, which seems like it would leave a lot of room for interpretation as far as Osteen's personal beliefs. Yet most religions have specific rules about divorce.

So does Christianity allow divorce? It depends on one's interpretation of the bible, basically. Most sources suggest that marriage is a "life-long promise," say organizations like Christianity Today. Still, there are exceptions, depending on how one (or their religion) interprets the language used in the bible.

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For example, the description of marriage involves both partners being "Spirit-filled disciples of Christ," so reading between the lines, most people would agree that someone who turns away from their religious beliefs would no longer fit that description. Then, the marriage would be an 'exception' because it involves one person who is a 'sinner.'

Other "explicit divorce allowances," says Christianity Today, involve infidelity and when "an unbelieving spouse abandons the marriage." There are a few other instances that various religious leaders believe make divorce "permissible," such as "unchastity" or abuse.

With that general background, what does Joel Osteen specifically have to say, as a married man and pastor?

What Does Joel Osteen Say About Divorce?

In a somewhat surprising move -- which has earned him criticism from more traditional religious leaders -- Joel Osteen seems to be very forgiving of divorce overall. Recalling one social media post that he made regarding divorce, which may have inspired rumors he was splitting from his wife Victoria, fans can assume that Joel realizes there are exceptions to the whole "life-long commitment" of marriage.

In 2012, Joel wrote on Twitter, "There is life after the sickness, life after the divorce, life after the bad break. A full life is still in front of you."

Fans also took Joel's 2019 Tweet to refer to divorce, as well: "If somebody left you, you have to realize their part in your story is over. If they walked away, then you don’t need them. If God allowed it, then that means they’re not a part of your destiny."

Various other quotes, social media and otherwise, from Joel over the years could also be applied to the topic of divorce, especially where Osteen talks about repentance and grace.

But Joel has also written blog posts on the topic of divorce, including a 2014 post that prolcaimed, "If you went through a divorce, let it go. God has somebody better in your future."

So, followers of Osteen can rest assured that he isn't judging them for their separation or divorce. The thing is, Joel has had some personal experiences with the topic, too, though it wasn't his own marriage under fire.

His parents went through a divorce, which some think may color his view (and acceptance) of divorce as an option for strained married couples.

Do Joel Osteen's Followers Agree With Him?

Like any other public figure, Osteen has his critics, and possibly even more than a traditional celebrity because people care deeply about their religion (while they don't care as deeply about, say, the Kardashians' love lives).

And it seems that not everyone buys into his feel-good sermons, because, as commenters have noted, "You're good in motivational talks but I can't hear anything from [the] bible though." Many online critics call Joel out for either being overly religious or for not being stringent enough in following what his religion formally prescribes.

Again, it depends on his congregation's interpretations of the book, but most people seem reassured by Joel's interpretation of the grace and forgiveness that's available to them, even if they've gone against the traditional biblical value of remaining married forever.

Of course, regardless of how people feel about what Joel says, the fact that he's still married -- after 34 years -- it seems like he's sticking to the biblical definition of marriage himself, even if he's offering support to those who haven't.

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