For some time now, frequent conversations have been covering the prison industrial complex, its oftentimes horrid living conditions, and the danger that permeates prisons. A new film titled, Survivors Guide to Prison aims to shed some insight and tips on how inmates are surviving America’s prison system.

Produced by Adrian Grenier and directed by Matthew Cooke of How to Make Money Selling Drugs, Survivors Guide to Prison features interviews from Deepak Chopra, Danny Glover, Ice-T, RZA, Russell Simmons and many others.

The film also shares tips on surviving solitary confinement which includes things like creating an imaginary world in your mind, exercising or developing a relationship with God, among other tips.

Among them, a teary-eyed Busta Rhymes speaks on the effects of solitary confinement and how a woman served longer than three decades in prison after being arrested with a small amount of crack cocaine in her possession.

“I met a woman that had a first offense of nothing more than $5 worth of crack and was sentenced to jail in 1979 and didn’t come home until 2014,” shares the Brooklyn native. “And she said to me: ‘I don’t know how to use no phone. I don’t know how to send a text. I don’t know how to e-mail,'” the rapper said before losing his composure.

“The Federal law still holds marijuana as equal to heroin, which is unfathomable. These bullsh** laws are old and prehistoric, and needs to be changed.”

Survivors Guide to Prison will hit theaters, VOD, and digital HD on Feb. 23.

Watch the trailer above.
