The sitcom genre is one that have been a staple on the small screen for decades now, and each unique era has had sitcoms that have changed the game. In more modern history, fans have seen the genre reach new heights, which means that it won't be going anywhere for a long time.

Certain networks, like ABC, NBC, and CBS have made some great shows. The truth, however, is that there will always be opposing opinions on these hit shows. In fact, some of the biggest sitcoms of all time are considered overrated by many.

So, which show is consistently brought up as the most overrated sitcom ever made? Let's hear what people have had to say about this tough question.

Sitcoms Have A Way Of Conquering Television

Oh, sitcoms. The genre has given way to so many classics over time, but it has also given fans some real stinkers. This is the case with any genre, but when a sitcom lays an egg, things get ugly quickly. Nevertheless, the genre is always doing big numbers with its viewers.

Crafting a hit sitcom is a delicate process, and while the familiar tropes are always there, it takes a solid team to build something up to become a hit. Chuck Lorre is a genuine mastermind with the genre, and he alone has been responsible for some of the biggest sitcoms of all time. Don't believe us? The man has had a hand in shows like Grace Under Fire, Dharma & Greg, Two and a Half Men, The Big Bang Theory, Mike & Molly, Mom, and more.

It's always great to see a show thriving on the small screen, but a show's success also brings up opposing opinions from people who could not care less for it.

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Some Are Considered Overrated

As we have seen time and time again, a show making it in the pop culture sphere will inevitably be blasted by those that simply don't care for it. Whether it is a sitcom or a fantasy epic, hit shows will always have detractors, and these opposing views can start a full-on battleground online.

Take Seinfeld, for instance. The series is regarded as arguably the best sitcom of all time, but that hasn't prevented plenty of people and websites from contrasting this sentiment.

One Reddit user bluntly wrote, "It was a dumb show about self-centered jerks. Even with the rare quirky guest star, it wasn't funny. Nor interesting. Nor even entertaining. If not for Friends, it might have been my least favorite show of the '90s."

The aforementioned Friends caught a stray from that fan, but others have voiced their displeasure with that show, as well.

"It’s unfunny and the laughter track is soul-destroying. Change my mind (or back up my point)," one Reddit user stated.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, of course, as television shows are totally subjective. Interestingly, there is one recent hit sitcom that has drawn the ire of many.

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'The Big Bang Theory' Has Been A Heavily-Criticised Hit

The Big Bang Theory is one of the most popular sitcoms in history, but it has not been able to please all fans and critics. Some people completely dislike it, and many find it to be the most overrated show in history.

Much has been made about the show's "smart" humor, but one Reddit user was not particularly impressed.

"The jokes are quite basic so u don’t need to be smart to understand them, it’s just bad how people think u have to be smart to understand the jokes when my 8-year-old sister gets them and she doesn’t like the show either," they wrote.

A Quora user summed up their experience watching the show, saying, "The writing for this show is the laziest, most offensive, least funny and just infuriating I have ever seen in a TV show."

Maybe it's just a few people, right? Wrong. There seems to be a widespread dislike of the show, and even websites have sounded off.

The Guardian, for instance, titled an article "The Big Bang Theory is ending – our long nightmare is finally over."

Metro and other large sites have also chimed in. As Entertainment IE put it, "More often than not, the series relies on stereotypes, poor writing, lazy jokes and the belief that people who are remotely intelligent are, by and large, weirdos."

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Of course, it is impossible to discredit the immeasurable success that the show has had. Millions of people genuinely loved this show. However, the pushback against the show seems to be growing louder and louder.

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