
  • Jamie Foxx kept his health scare private until he was healthy, focusing on recovery first.
  • Foxx did not disclose his health condition, leading to wild rumors, but fans applaud his recovery.
  • Back on set and healthy, Jamie Foxx is grateful for support, focusing on his projects with passion.

Jamie Foxx is an actor who takes his health seriously. Over the years, Foxx has disclosed what he does for his diet and workout routines. What shocked many is that Foxx does not rely on a trainer or dietician to keep him in shape. Instead, Foxx shared that he stuck to a consistent bodyweight workout and ate a diet that was packed with lean meats, vegetables, and healthy carbs.

Despite living a healthy lifestyle, Foxx suffered a health scare in April 2023. Initially, the lack of information coming out about his condition left fans wondering just how serious things were with Foxx. This led to rumors about what happened and even if Foxx would survive.

British TV Host Used Insulting Profanity To Describe Jamie Foxx's Movie Role During Cringy Interview
Jamie Foxx was caught off guard when British comedian described his White House Down character.

It was not until months after Foxx recovered that he spoke out about his health. Jamie Foxx revealed one specific reason he kept his health scare under wraps and, after what happened to Foxx and how he is doing today, the reason for putting off an explanation made perfect sense.

Jamie Foxx Waited Until He Was Healthy To Explain Why He Kept His Health Scare Under Wraps

Jamie Foxx waited until he was ready to address the health issue that hospitalized him in April 2023

Foxx took his time addressing his fans about what happened to him in April 2023. He waited until he was back to feeling healthy and looked well so that fans would not question Foxx's health status. As such, it was September 2023 before fans and the entertainment industry gained a glimpse into what Foxx endured to regain his strength to live and work again.

"I know a lot of people were waiting or wanting to hear updates but to be honest with you, I just didn’t want you to see me like that, man," Foxx explained.

"I want you to see me laughing, having a good time, partying, cracking a joke, doing a movie, television show. I didn't want you to see me with tubes running out of me and trying to figure out if I was gonna make it through."

Foxx went on to say, "I cannot tell you how great it feels to have your family kick in in such a way, and y'all know they kept it airtight, they didn’t let nothing out, they protected me, and that’s what I hope that everyone could have in moments like these."

"I went to hell and back and my road to recovery had some potholes as well. But I'm coming back and I'm able to work," Foxx continued. "I thank the people who let me work and I just want to say that I love everybody. I love all the love that I got."

Foxx concluded, "It was tough, man, I was sick, but now I've got my legs under me, so you're going to see me out... I'm on my way back."

Fans Praised Jamie Foxx's "Composure" With Brie Larson's Outfit During Their Jimmy Kimmel Live Interview
Jamie Foxx held it together during his interview alongside Jimmy Kimmel's better looking replacement, Brie Larson.

Despite an explanation as to how he was feeling, Foxx did not disclose exactly what happened to him and has the months have gone on, there has been little discussed about what Foxx suffered from.

What Heath Condition Jamie Foxx Suffered From

Jamie Foxx has never confirmed what it was that caused him to be hospitalized

It was in April 2023, that the world first learned Foxx had been hospitalized. Foxx's daughter announced via a statement that Foxx had suffered a "medical complication" but did not go into further details.

Foxx's representative confirmed that the "condition was serious enough that Jamie’s family, some of whom were not in town, came to the hospital." Again, details were not disclosed.

The lack of explanation led to several rumors about what occurred. From a COVID vaccine that led to a brain bleed that was vehemently shut down by those close to Foxx to suffering from a seizure, a blood clot in the brain, and even going blind and being paralyzed temporarily, the supposed facts about Foxx's health were all over the board.

Jamie Foxx's "Disappointing" Experience With Tom Cruise Changed His Career For The Better
Jamie Foxx blew his Jerry Maguire audition next to Tom Cruise.

Since the hospitalization, Foxx has never divulged just what it was he had to overcome to get back his health to be able to work and appear at Hollywood functions. Why he has not revealed the condition is unknown and whether he ever will, remains to be seen.

What is known, however, is that Foxx is healthy enough currently to be back at work, something that Foxx is very grateful for.

How Jamie Foxx Is Doing Today

Jamie Foxx has returned to work and is as focused on his projects as he ever has been

As of January 2024, Foxx was seen back working in the very production that had to shut down after his mystery illness. He and Cameron Diaz were photographed on the set of Back in Action. Foxx looked healthy, fit, and much like he did before he was hospitalized, albeit "quiet" on the set.

Those working on the set claimed that Foxx was "very quiet" and "just focused on working."

This behavior was the opposite of the rumors that swirled about Foxx before his illness, which indicated that Foxx was acting "crazy" while he was on set, something that Diaz was quick to dispel before they could go too far.

The rumors were denied not only because they were not true but because of the relationship Diaz and Foxx shared.

"Jamie is, like, the cheerleader for the entire crew. Everybody loves him," Diaz explained. "We have so much fun on the set with him, and he's just a professional on every level."

Diaz continued saying, "I love that guy so much. He's such a special person, and he's so talented, so much fun."

With shooting wrapped for the film, Foxx has already started moving on to his next projects. It appears that despite what it was that Foxx suffered from, he is not letting it slow him down and perhaps even has a new outlook on life as a result.
