I’ve been making money online for ten years now, and one of the main reasons why I can continually make money, is because I adapt to the new and ever changing environment. In the beginning I was heavy on content sites and relying on search engines to bring in free traffic, while focusing on Amazon.com books and movies titles for content. Second, I was into making free stuff content sites and soon moving into the sweepstakes market and running my own contests/surveys. After that, I was into the email marketing, sending out offers to hundreds of thousands of my opt-in mailing lists. Email was amazing, but soon became much more of a burden with all of the new legal issues and spam filters in place. As of lately, I have been back in the high traffic content sites and having my best financial years yet! But what is next…

As new markets come and go, they can just as easily get flooded. If you are in early, you can cash in like crazy, but you won’t make massive riches forever. You always have to be ready for what’s next, and not keep all your eggs in one basket. Over the past several months I have been thinking a lot about what direction I should be heading in next. It wasn’t till attending Affiliate Summit East, that I decided to make the move into the PPC market. After talking with some of the speakers (especially Amit) at the event, it has given me the full motivation and dedication I need. In short, focusing on PPC is pretty much buying keyword traffic from Google, Yahoo and MSN… then selling it back to advertisers at higher rates. This is usually done through network CPA offers.

I’ve always wanted to get into the PPC market, but have made some low effort attempts and got discouraged. PPC can be extremely rewarding, but also very frustrating if you aren’t ready to take on the burden of massive testing and monetization. My motivation level is so high right now that I am just dreaming of potential results I could be seeing in the coming months. As much as I hate the concept selling of ebooks (since most are full of crap), I actually went ahead and purchased a couple from Perry Marshall (Google Adwords Master) and Chris Carpenter (yet another Master!)… only because they came with very high recommendations from some close friends. So far they are both looking good… no complaints so far.

Tonight I will start taking on some campaigns and putting together some new ideas. The earning potential in PPC search advertising is limitless… imagine having hundreds of money producing web sites running for you while you sleep! It’s not a dream, but a reality that can be obtained with some time and effort. Is anyone else making big bucks in the PPC market? Any tips to share? As I spend more time in the PPC market, I will gladly add more useful information on the topic.
